Control Plane Controller

The Control Plane controller’s main responsibilities are:

  • Managing a set of machines that represent a Kubernetes control plane.
  • Provide information about the state of the control plane to downstream consumers.
  • Create/manage a secret with the kubeconfig file for accessing the workload cluster.

A reference implementation is managed within the core Cluster API project as the Kubeadm control plane controller (KubeadmControlPlane). In this document, we refer to an example ImplementationControlPlane where not otherwise specified.

Example usage

kind: KubeadmControlPlane
  name: kcp-1
  namespace: default
      kind: DockerMachineTemplate
      name: docker-machine-template-1
      namespace: default
  replicas: 3
  version: v1.21.2

Kubeconfig management

Control Plane providers are expected to create and maintain a Kubeconfig secret for operators to gain initial access to the cluster. The given secret must be labelled with the key-pair${CLUSTER_NAME} to make it stored and retrievable in the cache used by CAPI managers. If a provider uses client certificates for authentication in these Kubeconfigs, the client certificate should be kept with a reasonably short expiration period and periodically regenerated to keep a valid set of credentials available. As an example, the Kubeadm Control Plane provider uses a year of validity and refreshes the certificate after 6 months.