Controllers and Reconciliation
From the kubebuilder book:
Controllers are the core of Kubernetes, and of any operator.
It’s a controller’s job to ensure that, for any given object, the actual state of the world (both the cluster state, and potentially external state like running containers for Kubelet or loadbalancers for a cloud provider) matches the desired state in the object. Each controller focuses on one root Kind, but may interact with other Kinds.
We call this process reconciling.
Right now, we can create objects in our API but we won’t do anything about it. Let’s fix that.
Let’s see the Code
Kubebuilder has created our first controller in controllers/mailguncluster_controller.go
. Let’s take a look at what got generated:
// MailgunClusterReconciler reconciles a MailgunCluster object
type MailgunClusterReconciler struct {
Log logr.Logger
func (r *MailgunClusterReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
_ = context.Background()
_ = r.Log.WithValues("mailguncluster", req.NamespacedName)
// your logic here
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
RBAC Roles
The // +kubebuilder...
lines tell kubebuilder to generate RBAC roles so the manager we’re writing can access its own managed resources. These should already exist in controllers/mailguncluster_controller.go
We also need to add rules that will let it retrieve (but not modify) Cluster API objects. So we’ll add another annotation for that, right below the other lines:
Make sure to add this annotation to MailgunClusterReconciler
For MailgunMachineReconciler
, access to Cluster API Machine
object is needed, so you must add this annotation in controllers/mailgunmachine_controller.go
Regenerate the RBAC roles after you are done:
make manifests
Let’s focus on that struct
First, a word of warning: no guarantees are made about parallel access, both on one machine or multiple machines.
That means you should not store any important state in memory: if you need it, write it into a Kubernetes object and store it.
We’re going to be sending mail, so let’s add a few extra fields:
// MailgunClusterReconciler reconciles a MailgunCluster object
type MailgunClusterReconciler struct {
Log logr.Logger
Mailgun mailgun.Mailgun
Recipient string
Now it’s time for our Reconcile function. Reconcile is only passed a name, not an object, so let’s retrieve ours.
Here’s a naive example:
func (r *MailgunClusterReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
_ = r.Log.WithValues("mailguncluster", req.NamespacedName)
var cluster infrav1.MailgunCluster
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &cluster); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
By returning an error, we request that our controller will get Reconcile()
called again.
That may not always be what we want - what if the object’s been deleted? So let’s check that:
var cluster infrav1.MailgunCluster
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &cluster); err != nil {
// import apierrors ""
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
return ctrl.Result{}, err
Now, if this were any old kubebuilder
project we’d be done, but in our case we have one more object to retrieve.
Cluster API splits a cluster into two objects: the Cluster
defined by Cluster API itself.
We’ll want to retrieve that as well.
Luckily, cluster API provides a helper for us.
cluster, err := util.GetOwnerCluster(ctx, r.Client, &mg)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
client-go versions
At the time this document was written, kubebuilder
pulls client-go
version 1.14.1
into go.mod
(it looks like v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible
If you encounter an error when compiling like:
../pkg/mod/ not enough arguments in call to watch.NewStreamWatcher
have (*versioned.Decoder)
want (watch.Decoder, watch.Reporter)`
You may need to bump client-go
. At time of writing, that means 1.15
, which looks like: v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible
The fun part
More Documentation: The Kubebuilder Book has some excellent documentation on many things, including how to write good controllers!
Now that we have our objects, it’s time to do something with them! This is where your provider really comes into its own. In our case, let’s try sending some mail:
subject := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New Cluster %s requested", mgCluster.Spec.Priority, cluster.Name)
body := fmt.Sprint("Hello! One cluster please.\n\n%s\n", mgCluster.Spec.Request)
msg := mailgun.NewMessage(mgCluster.Spec.Requester, subject, body, r.Recipient)
_, _, err = r.Mailgun.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
But wait, this isn’t quite right.
gets called periodically for updates, and any time any updates are made.
That would mean we’re potentially sending an email every few minutes!
This is an important thing about controllers: they need to be idempotent. This means a controller must be able to repeat actions on the same inputs without changing the effect of those actions.
So in our case, we’ll store the result of sending a message, and then check to see if we’ve sent one before.
if mgCluster.Status.MessageID != nil {
// We already sent a message, so skip reconciliation
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
subject := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New Cluster %s requested", mgCluster.Spec.Priority, cluster.Name)
body := fmt.Sprintf("Hello! One cluster please.\n\n%s\n", mgCluster.Spec.Request)
msg := mailgun.NewMessage(mgCluster.Spec.Requester, subject, body, r.Recipient)
_, msgID, err := r.Mailgun.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
// patch from
helper, err := patch.NewHelper(&mgCluster, r.Client)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
mgCluster.Status.MessageID = &msgID
if err := helper.Patch(ctx, &mgCluster); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't patch cluster %q", mgCluster.Name)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
A note about the status
Usually, the Status
field should only be values that can be computed from existing state.
Things like whether a machine is running can be retrieved from an API, and cluster status can be queried by a healthcheck.
The message ID is ephemeral, so it should properly go in the Spec
part of the object.
Anything that can’t be recreated, either with some sort of deterministic generation method or by querying/observing actual state, needs to be in Spec.
This is to support proper disaster recovery of resources.
If you have a backup of your cluster and you want to restore it, Kubernetes doesn’t let you restore both spec & status together.
We use the MessageID as a Status
here to illustrate how one might issue status updates in a real application.
Update main.go
with your new fields
If you added fields to your reconciler, you’ll need to update main.go
Right now, it probably looks like this:
if err = (&controllers.MailgunClusterReconciler{
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
Log: ctrl.Log.WithName("controllers").WithName("MailgunCluster"),
}).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "Unable to create controller", "controller", "MailgunCluster")
Let’s add our configuration. We’re going to use environment variables for this:
domain := os.Getenv("MAILGUN_DOMAIN")
if domain == "" {
setupLog.Info("missing required env MAILGUN_DOMAIN")
apiKey := os.Getenv("MAILGUN_API_KEY")
if apiKey == "" {
setupLog.Info("missing required env MAILGUN_API_KEY")
recipient := os.Getenv("MAIL_RECIPIENT")
if recipient == "" {
setupLog.Info("missing required env MAIL_RECIPIENT")
mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(domain, apiKey)
if err = (&controllers.MailgunClusterReconciler{
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
Log: ctrl.Log.WithName("controllers").WithName("MailgunCluster"),
Mailgun: mg,
Recipient: recipient,
}).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "Unable to create controller", "controller", "MailgunCluster")
If you have some other state, you’ll want to initialize it here!